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7th December 2023

• Firefighters and Fire Communication Officers were presented with medals, clasps and certificates for their dedication to helping Queenslanders.

A special ceremony was held today in Buderim to present Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) personnel with medals, clasps and certificates for sustained or significant service.

Medals and clasps presented included the National Medal and clasp, QFES Medal and clasp, Diligent and Ethical Service Medal clasp, ACT Emergency Medal and the National Emergency Medal.

Awards presented included the prestigious Commissioner’s Commendation for Bravery, Commissioner’s Commendation for Notable Action and an Assistant Commissioner’s Commendation.

Two officers were presented with the premier award for accomplishments in swiftwater and floodwater rescue, the Higgins and Langley Memorial Award.

Quotes attributable to the Member for Nicklin, Rob Skelton MP:
“It’s important to recognise those who continually go above and beyond the call of duty, whether on the frontline or behind the scenes,” Mr Skelton said.

“The recipients have made exceptional contributions to their communities and should be proud of everything they have achieved.

“These staff provide leadership and inspiration to their colleagues, and it’s great to recognise their valuable contributions.”

Quotes attributable to QFES Chief Officer Mike Wassing:
“It is a privilege to recognise the exemplary service of those who go above and beyond their usual duties to support Sunshine Coast communities,” Chief Officer Wassing said.

“The number of recipients and the many years they have served in their local areas is a testament to their community spirit and their willingness to put their hand up when support is needed.

“I am proud to say that each of the recipients have represented QFES with respect, integrity, courage, loyalty and trust.”

Further information:
The National Medal and clasps recognise long and diligent service by personnel who risk their lives or safety to protect or assist the community in times of emergency or natural disaster.

The QFES Medal and clasp and Diligent and Ethical Service Medal clasp recognises demonstrated commitment to ethical standards, personal integrity, and diligent service over a prolonged period.

The ACT Emergency Medal is awarded for assistance to the territory during the 2019/20 bushfire and storm season.

The National Emergency Medal and clasp is awarded for significant or sustained service to others in specified nationally significant emergencies.

The Commissioner’s Commendation for Bravery and the Assistant Commissioner’s Commendation were presented for floodwater rescue efforts during the 2022 South East Queensland flood event.

The Commissioner’s Commendation for Notable Action was presented for floodwater rescue efforts in February 2022 and the Higgins Langley Memorial Award for swiftwater rescues during the 2019 Townsville floods.

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