19th August 2021
The Nicklin electorate is joining communities across the state to Sign up for road safety during Queensland Road Safety Week, 16 to 20 August.
Queenslanders have an opportunity to show their support for this important week, by creating and sharing a road safety message.
Rob Skelton MP said keeping all road users safe – from motorists to motobike riders - was a priority for Sunshine Coast residents.
In 2020, 6 people lost their lives on roads across the Nicklin electorate while 63 people were seriously injured.
"We all know risky driving behaviours are the leading causes of serious crashes – speeding, drink and drug driving, distraction, not wearing seatbelts and fatigue," Mr Skelton said.
"Please do the right thing on the road for your sake and that of others.
"Road Safety Week is our opportunity to play our part in creating safer roads for all road users.
"I am pleased to show our support and encourage our community to get involved.
It's a good reminder we all want to get to our destination safely."
Queensland Road Safety Week is delivered in partnership by Transport and Main Roads and Queensland Police Service.
The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC), RACQ, Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q) are proud supporters.
For more information, visit