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16th March 2022

I rise to speak on the federal government’s dereliction of duty in properly supporting its constituents in my region. It is always a case of too little too late from this tired and terminal federal government. When it comes to disaster funding, aged care, ensuring there are enough GPs in our communities or even just making sure a constituent can receive their mail, this federal government has let the people of my region down time and time again.

Why does the Morrison government continually show such contempt for this state? Why is it that he cannot offer the same amount of support to flood-affected Queenslanders as he does to those in New South Wales? The Bureau of Meteorology, which is another agency victim of the LNP’s continued infatuation with cutting public services—and I thank the member for Keppel for bringing that to our attention in Rockhampton—has confirmed that this was the biggest weather event to impact Queensland in recorded history, but apparently that is not good enough for this Prime Minister. Where is the party that purports to represent farmers, graziers and remote and regional Queensland?

Another area of concern—or should I say a lack of concern—from the federal government is their response to the royal commission into aged care. I have sent correspondence and also supported the QNMU in this space, only to be met with silence from the federal LNP and also those opposite. This is another example of a government that shirks its responsibilities. Not only can my constituents not rely on their federal representatives to support them in old age, but now under this government they can no longer even expect to be able to see a doctor within a humane time frame. I can think of two former premiers from the opposite side who would be rolling in their graves whilst Queensland does not get its fair share from Canberra. Live up to that legacy.

Residents of Black Mountain woke up last week to find their postal service will be cut off without any consultation, forcing residents to purchase PO boxes just to get their post. This is an unreasonable extra expense imposed on residents who are already struggling with the impacts of flooding and cost-of-living pressures exacerbated by this federal government, which has all but given up governing. The national Country Party should rename itself the thylacine party because like the Tasmanian tiger it does not exist.

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