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17th April 2024

I am pleased to correct the record and say that there has been no cut or cessation of departmental funding for the Supporting Teenagers with Education, Mothering and Mentoring, STEMM, as mentioned last week by the local LNP.

This is an important program that is run by the Burnside State High School and local community groups.

Participants in this program obviously have enough on their plates to deal with without the irresponsible scaremongering of the LNP.

Their conduct is disgraceful and I call on them to apologise to the participants, teaching staff and community for any stress this behaviour has caused. The department continues to provide funding for the teaching staff of the program. This is now provided as part of the school's regular staffing allocation.

I am proud of the Miles government’s record investment in education in the region—unlike the LNP's track record, which includes cuts to services, sacking public servants and selling off our assets.

They owe it to the people of the Sunshine Coast to be up-front and honest about their intentions instead of playing these political games.

Last Friday it was a pleasure to welcome the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, or 'Aussies'—and I thank the sports minister for allowing me to represent him—to the Sunshine Coast.

There were a record 8,100 participants from clubs across Australia. I thank the organisers and participants for bringing this event to us and for supporting our local businesses.

On Saturday night I attended the presentation night for the Cooroy-Eumundi Cricket Club, the mighty Cougars, of which I am proud to be patron.

The night was wonderfully emceed by Phil Giblett—aka the ‘Gelding’—and his assistant Dean Christensen. They are magnificent sledgers, as you can imagine and I do not know what the ‘Gelding’ is about.

Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Kelly): Pause the clock. Member for Nicklin, normally you would seek permission from the Speaker if you are going to a use a prop of any description.

I have not been able to hear what the contribution is about. Is it related to some sort of charity?

Mr SKELTON: Yes, this is the baggy green of the Cooroy Cougars cricket club.

Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER: Resume your seat and I will take some advice. We have ranged over many areas of the standing orders tonight and parliamentary practice. It is practice that members seek permission from the Speaker before they use a prop or anything of that nature. I will ask the member to continue his contribution without the baggy green of the Cooroy Cougars.

Mr SKELTON: My apologies.

Thank you to the executive committee president John Hope, vice-president Dave McVey and treasurer Fiona Gardiner.

The division 4 team won the one-day championships and the division 6 side took out the two-day championships.

The under-17 side was overall champion.

The club champion this season is Tim Marchisio.

Club person of the year was a tie between Owen Morley and Josh Shooter.

The club volunteer award was awarded to Katrina McKenzie.

The women’s side was ably captained by Amanda Tie and the women’s champion player is Kayla Nailer.

The most coveted prize, though, is the awarding of the green 10-year jacket.

This year Mitchell Kneale and Dylan Evans reached that milestone and were presented with the jacket by the members of this exclusive club.

Congratulations to all on a magnificent and terrific season. Go Cougars!

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